
Book Review 2-08: PSYCHIC PETS

I read about 'Psychic pets'. It is very interesting story. This story says 'Pet is clever or psychic.'

Janet has dog in her house. This pet's name is Bertie. One day, Janet came back from school and went into her bedroom. She found her new dress on the floor. She said 'Bad dog!!' It is handiwork about Bertie. She is really angry for Bertie. But Bertie went to walking with Janet's brother. So she waited for Bertie and her brother. They came back home but Bertie was not came Janet's side. So she call to Bertie, Bertie was not coming. She said 'Look!! Bertie knows! I'm angry with him because he made my dress dirty, and now he doesn't want to come near me! But I didn't talk to him. How does he know??'
... Pet is very psychic.
[137 words]

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