

I go to Kumamoto Gakuen University (KGU). This university is big and it has a lot of student. This university has 11 special fields. It has economics, the department of commercial science, social welfare, and foreign language. My special field is English. I study English very hard everyday. But I like English very much. I have many homework and report. These are very hard but useful for me. In this summer, I will go to Minnesota in America. This is school curriculum. My friends will go to America with me. I’m looking forward to this program!!

My university has many clubs. KGU has many students but almost student belong to club. For example, photograph, youth hostel, walk and so on. I belong to flower arrangement club. This club is only ladies and small. But we are very friendly. We sometime arrange flowers. It is very difficult. I want to more good it!! We have school festival in November. This is very big festival. We make big flower arrangement and bazaar. This preparation is very hard but I enjoy this time. We have firework and laser beam show in last day in this festival. These are very beautiful and enjoyed. In this year, I’m looking forward to this festival!!

5 件のコメント:

Haruka さんのコメント...

Hi, Yurina! I am Harupi♪By the way, I want to date with you♪

Yu-ri さんのコメント...

Hi, Haruka!! I want to date too!!

Fumiya さんのコメント...

Hello. I didn't go to the festival. I read your essay. I become to want to go this year.

eripopon さんのコメント...

KGU is very nice school!!!
I love KGU.
It's very difficult to arrangement flower.

Yu-ri さんのコメント...

Please come this year!!

I love KGU too.